VIEW by Caroline Chao
The VIEW Collection by spatial designer Caroline Chao is a series of reflective sculptural furniture pieces meant to explore the idea of objects, furniture, and embodied perception. The VIEW Collection debuted at ICFF during NYCxDESIGN in 2023 and was a finalist for Interior Design Magazine’s 2023 NYCxDESIGN Award for Residential Furniture.

This year, VIEW is back for an encore at ICFF at the Javits Center in NYC from May 19-21, 2024.

With VIEW, the user is meant to be an active participant with these mirrored pieces. You become part of the art. And that’s by design.

VIEW’s designer Caroline Chao is focused on making work exploring subtle shifts in perception and ideas of self-reflection. Like the art of self-reflection, especially in the digital age, these pieces are also in a constant state of flux.

“The pieces change constantly as you live with them—colors may change with the sun angles throughout the day, a reflection may reduce or multiply when viewed from a different angle, or the piece may create an optical effect that displaces or distorts your reflection in an unexpected way.”

And sometimes the unexpected becomes rather silly. “There is intrigue, curiosity, and joy when what you were expecting to see is wildly unexpected.”

VIEW is a five-piece collection featuring Coffee Table, Orb Wall Mirror, Shard Wall Light, Tea Table, and an I-Beam Light. All pieces are custom made.
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