Salone 2024: A Society of Rugs
How, exactly, does one draw a distinction among terms like “floor covering,” “rug,” and “tapestry”?

Perhaps it’s best to avoid labels and simply revel in the creativity and breadth of Rug Society’s bold and lovely assortment—adorning various booths at Salone including those of Brabbu and Maison Valentina.

Here’s “Disruption,” for instance, which evokes some mythological auger boring into the very fabric of the world.

Then there’s “Valencia,” an expressionistic take on this golden Spanish city that would seem to imply a metropolis fairly dripping in molten sunlight.

“Heron” and “Imperial Snake” are hyper-real evocations of slithering and flight in turn.

If all of this is making it hard to choose, fear not. At Salone, Rug Society has amalgamated six of their best sellers into one “super rug,” in which the snake slithers off the proverbial page and onto the beguiling blue of “Garden”; in which the heron takes wing toward fantastical regions hitherto unexplored.

The super rug is definitely extraordinary, but Rug Society offers so much more than this unlikely interaction of avian and reptile. See their dozens upon dozens of beautiful artisan-crafted rugs at their stand (Pavillion 15, G25, G27, H26- H28) and at other booths throughout the fair.
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