Clever Cortina Trio for Productive Pauses

Clever Cortina Trio for Productive Pauses

Cortina proposes the motif of the curtain as a workplace solution that supports different working styles.

Pause Stand with lighting effect

The Pause Stand (above and below) is a resting-period timer that also charges your phone. The movement of the tabs manipulates light to achieve a state of gentle wakefulness, by which time you’re both fully charged and ready to refocus.

Pause Stand charging detail
Cortina Pause Stand with people resting

The diminutive Peep Wall is a miniaturized privacy device that also manipulates light. The slats may be set to different angles for varied degrees of openness or concentration: “When opened, light spreads into the space. When closed, light gathers on the side for a more immersive atmosphere.”

Cortina Peep Wall with shifting blades

A bonus: the blades also function as an impromptu magnetized message board, helping keep users organized and informed without taking up space.

Peep Wall with sticky tabs

Lastly, the Cortina Tab Organizer proposes a new way to store documents. Rather than just “slamming them into a desk,” users simply insert them into the different slots and the gentle tilting motion quickly collates them: “Just as you close the blinds after a day’s work, tap the product to organize your accumulation.”

Tab Organizer close view
Cortina Tab Organizer in use

See here to learn more.

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