Ingenious Wall Planters by Hendricks Design
We love it when part-time designers get successful enough to make it their vocation—and Brian Hendricks is a perfect example. Cleveland-based Hendricks Design creates 3D-printed objects for the home, including some very smart wall planters.

There are a lot of aesthetically pleasing planters on the market. Unfortunately, many of them are made by non-plant people. Hendricks Design, on the other hand, has seemingly thought of every little detail the plant enthusiast needs and wants. His Wall Planter with Hidden Drip Tray works well to collect any extra water that might otherwise spill out the bottom of the planter. It’s also a great planter for picky plants like African violets and orchids, whose leaves do not like getting wet!

Hendricks Design’s Wall Planters are also perfect for small spaces. Homeowners can mount the planters using screws. And renters can mount them with Command strips. There are four mounts available, two specifically designed to be used with easy-to-remove adhesive strips.

Of course, none of these features would matter much if the Wall Planters weren’t thoughtfully designed. Which they are. The shapes, textures, and colors of the planters blend well with modern, Bohemian, and Scandinavian styles.

Hendricks Design uses biodegradable bioplastics to create their 3D-printed planters.
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