Cheese Clock by Kim Swift
Although its many spinning adornments and circular shape may prompt you to believe otherwise, Kim Swift’s comically named Cheese Clock is most definitely not a clock, even though the easily removable legs allow users to hang it on the wall.

In fact, its orientation as an ostensible table promises much more fun, as this inventive piece made of hard maple and patinated, waxed steel offers no shortage of wooden spinners—in Swift’s words, “Nine Lazy Susans, a fully rotating top, multiple spinning platforms, and a bread bowl.”

Daring users may attempt to ply Cheese Clock with all manner of aperitifs, crudités, antipasti, and charcuterie, but it probably works best as a sort of conceptual investigation into “tableness” (and as an entertainment that challenges hand-eye coordination).

Whether it involves comestibles or not, Cheese Clock features beautiful craftsmanship and impressive metal work (contributed by Swift’s colleague Scott Berels of Def Fab Design).

Spin off into more of Swift’s cool conceptual work at Kim Swift and Cranbrook Academy of Art 3D Design.
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