5-Drawer Pivot Cabinet by MoMa Design Store
The 5-Drawer Pivot Cabinet by MoMa (the Museum of Modern Art) is made of powder-coated steel. Its drawers swing out completely, so you don’t have to rummage to the back to see what’s there. The cabinets come in three color combinations.

The rainbow-colored drawers are great for the person with a home office who needs storage space and wants to add color. But they are just as useful for families, with each member claiming a drawer with their favorite color. The drawers are large enough to hold whatever you fancy: household tools, makeup, art supplies, toys, notebooks, files—or a proverbial junk drawer. The cabinet dimensions are 28.5” high, 15” wide, 10.5” deep. There is also a smaller 3-Drawer version.

This 5-Drawer Pivot Cabinet is so versatile that it can be used in a preschool for all the little kids who love bright colors but need help with organization. One of my four sons was super-organized as a little kid and he would have loved this cabinet for his room. As a matter of fact, he is now an adult with a home office and I am sure if I tell him about this cabinet and its unique features, he will order one for himself as he is still uber-organized. Other places where the cabinet could find a home: as a nightstand, in the kitchen, in a dormitory room where space is limited but organization is one key to educational success. Plus, its variety of colored drawers can be used to pair it with an abstract print, like a Mondrian or Rothko.

In 1932, The Museum of Modern Art established the world’s first curatorial department devoted to architecture and design. MoMA has long recognized design’s important role in our culture alongside more traditional mediums like painting and sculpture. Each item sold by the store must meet eight guidelines and pass muster by the curatorial committee. MoMA’s goal is to highlight one or more items by a designer instead of carrying a complete line of his/her work, thus allowing for a wide variety of objects for the office, home, kitchen, toys, books, art prints, and gifts. The MoMA Design store website is a melange of color and exciting designs.

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