Flower Power: Ella Plastic Bottle Chandelier by Sarah Turner
Sarah Turner, a UK-based designer who focuses on repurposing plastic waste into artful objects, has created the Ella Chandelier. Turner pieces together the bottoms of plastic bottles into a dome pendant lamp. From afar, the Ella Chandelier looks like a patchwork of flowers. This is true defamiliarization at its best, as the quotidian bottles pitched into bins turn into beautiful blooms.

Ella Chandelier got its name because as it was being made it resembled an umbrella. Turner’s first incarnation of the plastic bottle chandelier used 310 plastic bottles and measured 3.2 feet in diameter. It was first displayed at the Ideal Home Show in their full-sized show home at Earls Court.

Available in blue or white, Ella Plastic Bottle Chandelier makes people see the oft-ignored parts of everyday plastic bottles—their bottoms. Repurposed as a lovely surface, the bottle ends transform into petals. Turner sandblasts the bottles to give them a frosty texture before she forms them by hand.

The clear/white bottles resemble snowflakes. In blue, they turn into underwater jellies. If Turner could create an Ella Chandelier in pink, it could be kitschy cute—as it would look like a vintage swim cap decorated with flowers.

For another take on reworking plastic bottles, take a look at Loll outdoor furniture.
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