Blast Off With Altreforme’s Cyber
Go Galactic with Altreforme’s Cyber chair. Designed by Antonio Aricò for the Galactica collection, this eye-catching piece is a criss-crossing, stargazing, geometric tour de force.

Looking at Cyber, glittery and shiny are two adjectives that come to mind, perhaps recommending it to the Fairy Princess set, but the chair’s appeal goes beyond the innate desire for an aesthetic of resplendence, as it calls on the stylings of cultural icons as diverse as David Bowie, Karim Rashid, and even Stanley Kubrick.

Hopefully, the above gets home the point that Cyber has universal appeal: its look and its vibe transcend terrestrial concerns and point to possibilities beyond this earth and even this solar system.

Cyber is 100% aluminum. Finish options include a space-age bounty of all RAL/Pantone colors as well as “special glitter and reflecting refinements.”

Conduct further interstellar explorations at Altreforme.
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