Turn Up the Volume
Masquespacio and Covet House present the Volume Chair, a whimsical wonder of a piece that captivates with its arresting encompassing of negative space.

Perched on a jaunty trio of oaken legs, Volume looks like a smiling mouth and nose, or an animated humanoid throwing up its arms in celebration. The view from the side, however, showcases a different aspect, as one gets a real sense of how voluminous this chair really is, “a huge and unreal mass that will catch your attention from far away.”

Indeed, such is Volume’s impact that it was chosen as the marquee furnishing in this luxe interior at an Italian resort hotel designed by Maelina Ortié.

Funky, fun, and silky soft, the Volume Chair will provoke a chuckle and provide a comfy and elegant respite, whether astride the Mediterranean sea or at your dining room table.

Find out more at Covet House. And check out additional innovative lounge seating from Designer Pages Media.
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