Eureka’s Outline Sketches Out a Lighting Plan
Perhaps Eureka’s Outline Luminaire is so named because it provides the rudiments of a well-planned room.

Lighting tends to be under-rated, but that easily changes when users see how it can transform a space. Outline is designed to provide targeted lighting, yet its diminutive modules shine so brightly that the overall effect is ambient.

It’s a best of both worlds scenario. Outline features modules arrayed in a linear configuration. Each one is adjustable via a magnetic ball-joint pivot, allowing for comprehensive motion and pinpoint illumination.

Outline remains stable throughout these varied trajectories courtesy of twin suspension cables that keep the luminaire leveled, preventing it from tilting when the projectors are oriented.

The suspended luminaire comes in two cable lengths. Additonal options include flush mount or recessed installations and choice of round and rectangular canopies.

Find our more at Eureka Lighting.
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