Brokis’ Knot Battery Goes Outdoors
From renowned studio Chiaramonte Marin comes Knot Battery for Brokis, a luminous slant at illumination with simple materials and an even simpler design.

Glass, fabric, and metal constitute the palette for this excellently executed gem of a table light. Transparent handblown glass is counter-posed with a simple piece of knotted rope, giving it a homey yet refined feel and providing an easy way to carry it around.

Why would you want to relocate it? To take it out to the verandah, or the barbecue, or the beach, of course, as the latest iteration of the family, Knot Battery S, is IP44 compliant for outdoor use.

An additional convenience: the portable lamp is charged via a magnetic connector on the bottom beneath the light source, making for 4.5 hours of light on a single charge.

The Table Lamp was preceded by the equally arresting original pendant collection.

Get yours at Brokis. And see more amazing handblown light fixtures at Designer Pages Media.
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