Siamo Tutti Uno Collection by Carpet Edition
“We Are All One,” is the name of and the sentiment behind the Siamo Tutti Uno collection, handmade rugs designed by Roberta Mari and Silvia Zylberman Pio.

Siamo Tutti Uno Kyrin Rug
Inspired by indigenous peoples and their custodianship of the natural world, the collection embraces indigenous Amazonian tribal motifs. Kyrin and Urihi are inspired by body paintings of the Kaiapó; Exas is a harbinger of good health; and Memby recalls childhood decorations.

Kyrin and Urihi Rugs

Exas (dark) and Memby (light) rugs from Carpet Edition’s Siamo Tutti Uno collection
And the form of each rug suggests an arrow, a potent symbol of self-sufficiency and sustenance for many indigenous peoples.

The unusual form makes for an attention-getting accent, but can also be joined with other rugs for a more familiar shape.

The handmade rugs are made of New Zealand wool and hardtwist. Carpet Edition is donating a percentage of all Siamo Tutti Uno sales to Survival International, an organization dedicated to preserving the rights, lands, and lifestyle of indigenous populations.

Says Carpet Editon, “Siamo tutti uno is conceived to give a voice to indigenous people, now also threatened by the health emergency, but always subjected to violent genocide, slavery and racism in the name of ‘progress’ and civilization. With their sustainable lifestyle, they are the best custodians of the natural world; defending their rights is therefore also the best and most effective way to protect the environment and biodiversity.”

Read more at Carpet Edition.
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