Wayne Tile Rock Salt Collection

Have you ever imagined what it might be like to have a floor made of solid bricks of salt?

As the above image shows, salt mines are wondrously strange, otherworldly, and beautiful. With its subtle color gradient and hypnotic swirling shapes, Wayne Tile’s Rock Salt Collection captures the aesthetic.

The look is so convincing, in fact, that you’d be forgiven for assuming that the floors are four feet thick.

The Rock Salt Collection is a luxurious glazed porcelain stoneware tile. Its minimal water absorption rate makes it great for floors in any room, even the shower/bath.

Options abound for sizes and styles: from oversized slabs (4′ x 8′) to slim rectangles (3″ x 12″) to a diminutive 2 cm tile that’s great for outdoor spaces. Colors include Celtic Gray, Danish Smoke, Maui Green, and White Gold, the latter providing the look closest to the shots of translucent pink familiar to us as Himalayan sea salt.

Wayne Tile sources from Italy, whose tile is renowned for its style, sturdiness, and sustainability: “Tile from Italy is a smart choice for its environmental generosity, durability, design, and beauty. After research, education, and company consensus, the Wayne Tile team orders only the best tile from Italian factories to meet your tile needs.” See Wayne Tile to find out more. And go to Designer Pages Media for another great Wayne Tile product.
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