Rastelli’s Fabula Kitchen
The shining star of Rastelli’s Fabula Kitchen has to be the center island, though the stunning sink and towering cabinets are contenders too.

Perhaps the island steals the spotlight because it is, after all, at the center of things. Nor does it hurt that it features a slick integrated snack top in beautiful Tropical Quercia Wood.

But oh that sink. There’s something so perfect about the Open Pore Basaltine Stone. It’s like a museum piece that you can actually touch.

And the wall cabinets and columns are nothing to shake sticks at either. With metal-framed glass and stainless steel, they provide copious storage while also serving as the Modern yin to the doors’ Neo-Colonial yang.

Rastelli says this particular incarnation of Fabula is “a model,” as Fabula is a custom kitchen, born of the aforementioned estimable elments—“able to meet any taste and suit any kind of environment, between contemporary lines, traditional echoes, and eastern inspirations.”

See Rastelli to find out more.
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