Zippy Ziva by JSI

Zippy Ziva by JSI

JSI Furniture’s latest contribution to taming the open office is Ziva, a light and bright collection of workspace furniture that embraces all working styles.

JSI Ziva workspace view from above with lounges, benches, and private work pods

Ziva has both modular and stand-alone elements, though even the latter are marvelously mobile. A crucial piece is the serpentining modular lounge, which can be ganged together to create lovely landscapes of curvaceous seating.

JSI Furniture Ziva modular lounges in blue-green

The above shines for collaborative work or hangout space, while the freestanding lounge with privacy panel accommodates focused work.

JSI Ziva freestanding lounge with privacy panels and integrated power in gray

Other elements include modular (or not) benches and ottomans as well as matching tables—both square coffee height and half-moon work height.

JSI Ziva Ottomans and curved benches several colors in open office

There’s also a stand-up unit with privacy panel—for a subtle compromise between public and private.

JSI Ziva stand-up work surface with privacy panel on back of gray lounge

Read more about Ziva and check out the wide range of finish options at JSI Furniture.

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