Karim Rashid
Lover of all things pink and master of "blobjects" like Blobina, Karim Rashid believes we should "live in the modus of our time." We should design accordingly, releasing ourselves "from nostalgia, antiquated traditions, old rituals, meaningless kitsch and meaningless paradigms." This might explain why Rashid embraces futuristic design-because the future is now.
1. Blobina for Meritalia
Part of his quest is to symbolize the future-now through creative iconography. Known as karimikons, Rashid's symbols-from organic globs to bar-like Xs-grace the designer's body as well as his objects, as is the case with the Kubo storage system.
2. Kubo for Meritalia
Among his great body of work for luxury outdoor furniture company Vondom is Lava, a freeform bench resembling a cloud come to earth or a frozen river of lava.
3. Lava for Vondom
But for every sinuous curve Rashid counters with a sharpened point or geometric polygon. His forms cover swoops and angles-and sometimes he combines the two. Ottawa Chair, for example, offers a droplet-shaped seat that culminates in a sharp peak.
4. Ottawa Chair for BoConcept
And Rashid always offers a good dose of escapism. Float Sofa features a back that "doubles as a wall-like screen that provides an oasis of personal space." Float also provides a place to hang your hat.
5. Float Sofa for Sancal
Karim Rashid should have been the set designer for Stanley Kubrick movies. I would love to see a remake of 2001: A Space Odyssey with a lounge full of Koop Chairs. Sheltered, attractive, and ovoid, Koop could certainly become a space-station staple.
6. Koop Chair for Martela
Lighting is a particularly successful category for Rashid's visions, since his lights are alienesque, full of drippy shapes and extraplanetary forms. Nafir might be a musical instrument from another galaxy-yet to be discovered.
7. Nafir for Axo Light
To say nothing of Cyborg, which is a playfully elongated alien or ghost (or both)-a perfect table lamp for the post-millennial world.
8. Cyborg for Martinelli Luce
These are but a few of Karim Rashid's furniture designs. Check out his other work, including product, packaging, and fashion creations, at his official website.
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