D’Urso Swivel Chair by Knoll

D’Urso Swivel Chair by Knoll


shows that healthcare solutions should improve patient, visitor, and caregiver well-being. Guest and welcome areas should be stylish and comfortable, thus putting people at ease. The D'Urso Swivel Chair by Knoll, therefore, is a perfect lounge chair for healthcare applications.
D'Urso Swivel Chair by Knoll
Designed by Joseph Paul D'Urso, "the lounge is meant to be a small but comfortable, fun chair." Part of the whimsy comes from the chair's 360-degree swivel, because the motion instinctively pleases people.
D'Urso Swivel Chair by Knoll
The shape and base are also lively, playing with circular shapes. The D'Urso Swivel Chair also comes with an optional pneumatic seat-height adjustment, which fits people of many sizes.
D'Urso Swivel Chair by Knoll
Available in a wide range of fabrics, D'Urso Swivel Chair can enliven a space with pops of brilliant color or calm visitors in soft pastels. With a Polished Aluminum, Textured Black, or Warm White base, the lounge can change its style to complement its surroundings.
D'Urso Swivel Chair by Knoll
For more information, visit www.knoll.com.

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