Lighting Science Introduces the Shatter-Proof Durabulb
Here’s a bright idea: create a light bulb that is both shatter proof and energy efficient. That’s exactly what Lighting Science, an innovator in the LED lighting-design industry, has done with Durabulb.
Instead of being made of fragile glass, Lighting Science uses a polycarbonate plastic shell to create each Durabulb, making it the perfect lighting option for areas where a standard bulb could break, such as the garage or basement of a home, or an industrial setting like a factory or warehouse.
The 700 lumen-output (comparable to 60 watts) Durabulb is also energy efficient and uses 80 percent less energy than comparable incandescent bulbs. Each bulb has a lifetime of up to 10,000 hours and comes with a three-year warranty. Once that expires, the company will exchange the bulb for a 50-percent off coupon.
For more information visit LSGC.com.
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