Flexible Architecture by Philippe Starck for Ceramica Sant’Agostino
will present a new line of tiles by Philippe Starck called Flexible Architecture at 100% Design in London this year.
With Flexible Architecture, Starck seeks to blur the line between architecture and surface decoration by playing with surfaces, depth and extended joints.
The tiles mark Starck's first foray into ceramics "I chose to design a ceramic product because I love beautiful stories. I imagine the first man, the first woman, who takes some mud and some water, and then put this mixture in the fire, in an oven, and suddenly, they assisted to the miracle of this beautiful material taking shape," says Starck. “This is beautiful because it's aristocratic, noble, because it's the story of humanity, because it's intelligence… the genius of humanity." 
The collection is composed of tiles of different thickness, surface finishes, joints and colors that allow a variety of different designs to be created. “It's only the beginning of an infinite potential, of a new creativity to serve architecture and architects," explains Starck. "Finally, I discovered I can exaggerate the joint and enhance it on one side, on two sides, on four sides in order to create an innovative architectonic subject. With texture, without texture, with matt, glossy: finally I can make a precise architecture for the covering and the floor."
Ceramica Sant’Agostino adds: "The joints, now an integrant part of the tile system, can be on four sides or on one side, on two sides or on no side at all. The different colors, all in plain shade combined with the two finishes - one matt (silky) and the other glossy (liquid)- open a new and unexplored territory in the designers' imagination."
The tiles are available in thicknesses of 8 mm and 12 mm and are realized in two textures - one rough, and the other slightly wavy, recalling handmade Italian ceramics.
For moe information visit www.ceramicasantagostino.it
About the manufacturer: Set up in 1964 near Ferrara, an area far from Emilia where most of the Italian ceramic factories are situated, Ceramica Sant’Agostino continues to be managed by the founder’s family, developing innovative products and researching new production processes. All of Ceramica Sant’Agostino’s products are 100% made in Italy.
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