NeoCon 2014: Vitra
This year at NeoCon, North America's largest design exposition and conference for commercial interiors in Chicago, Vitra showcased a selection of recent project successes in the US, highlighting key products.
In order to being the products to life, Vitra’s showroom environment was turned into an office environment with key products from nine different Vitra projects.
Each vignette focused on a different industry highlighting the unique requirements for each business model along with the clients' actual product configurations.
Besides the office environment, Vitra also showcased its newest releases to the US market. With Workbays, Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec have developed a micro-architectural system that redefines the working environment and breaks with the typical inflexible planning structure of offices.
New possibilities of dynamic sitting were explored through the interaction of flexible and rigid elements of the Physix chair designed by Alberto Meda.
With the Alcove Sofa, Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec have created a sheltered niche of privacy in an open office environment, a place of retreat – a piece of furniture to become a room within a room.
While sit-stand tables are generally only available for single workstations, Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec have extended the Tyde concept to offer the combined benefits of standing and sitting work postures to double workstations and conference tables.
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