Green Blade Sustainable Veneer by FIBandCO for 3form Europe

Green Blade Sustainable Veneer by FIBandCO for 3form Europe

Here's a philosophical question with relevance for our brave new green world: if a tree falls in Martinique, does anybody hear it? If manufacturer 3form Europe and sustainable pioneers FIBandCO are on the scene, the answer is a resounding yes. The latter has developed Green Blade Veneer, an easy-to-source, pollutant-free, and eminently sustainable material deriving from Martinique's plentiful banana trees, and the former has incorporated this revolutionary product as an interlayer in their equally green Varia Ecoresin Panels.

3form Europe Offers Green Blade in Multiple Aesthetic Options

Green Blade Sustainable Veneer by FIBandCO for 3form Europe

Strictly speaking, banana trees are not trees at all but actually rapidly growing grasses. Their gestation cycle, so to speak, is roughly nine months, at which point their fruit matures, they "die" back to bulbs, and begin the whole cycle again, leaving a veritable cornucopia of discarded stems in the process.

Green Blade Sustainable Veneer by FIBandCO for 3form Europe

FIBandCo collects this rigid, grassy, durable material and-in a low energy process requiring neither fossil fuels nor chemicals nor water-transforms it into Green Blade veneer, a "rapidly renewable resource that can be made into custom designed panels for doors, walls, partitions, ceiling elements, or other custom architectural elements."

Green Blade Sustainable Veneer by FIBandCO for 3form Europe

3form offers Green Blade as a Varia Ecoresin interlayer in four different colors (Taiga, Silvam, Copse, and Glade), each of which are naturally occurring as organic variations within the stems of the banana leaf-a subtle and earthy palette ranging from a pale tawny to a rich brown to an elegant silvery-gray.

For specifying information, contact 3form Europe:

About the Manufacturer: 3form Europe manufactures award-winning eco-friendly materials and architectural hardware for the Architecture and Design industries. The company's Varia Ecoresin system encapsulates textiles, organic materials, textures, and custom images within translucent resin panels for use in walls, doors, suspended features, lighting elements, and other innovative architectural elements.

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