IIDEX 2012: TruGroove by Ledalite

IIDEX 2012: TruGroove by Ledalite

Control and flexibility don't always go hand in hand, but Ledalite's new TruGroove narrow-aperture recessed lighting system is all about balancing the two.

IIDEX 2012, lighting, TruGroove, Philips Ledalite

A contractor-friendly cable cinch design can save time and lower project costs

Adaptable to a wide range of architectural styles and environments, the system's broad lighting distribution allows designers to space units farther apart. In doing so, they can create more uniformly illuminated spaces with fewer fixtures and less energy consumption.

IIDEX 2012, lighting, TruGroove, Philips Ledalite

The system owes its advanced optical qualities to Ledalite's patented MesoOptics technology, which uses a manufacturing process similar to that of the holographic microstructures on credit cards. When applied to a recyclable substrate, these micron-size light distribution elements create a uniform lighting effect. Because the MesoOptics material allows up to 95 percent of light to pass through, the system is highly energy efficient as well.

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IIDEX 2012, lighting, TruGroove, Philips Ledalite

About the Manufacturer: Ledalite was founded in 1982 and is a part of Philips Lighting. The company creates lighting systems and technologies for commercial and institutional buildings around the world. Products are available through a network of premier professional lighting sales agencies throughout North America.

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