Optiwind’s Amazing New Compact Wind Acceleration Turbines

If your idea of a windmill involves those great cumbersome wielding arms that, once upon a time, Don Quixote construed of as a fearsome foe to be vanquished, then think and look again, for the time to integrate wind power into our “all of the above” approach to energy has arrived. The form of its arrival? Optiwind’s line of Compact Wind Acceleration Turbines.

Compact Wind Acceleration Turbine. Manufactured by Optiwind.

Optiwind and CWAT Just May be the Sustainable Power Solution You’re Looking For

Compact Wind Acceleration Turbine. Manufactured by Optiwind.

An Optiwind turbine doesn’t just herald the age of “clean on-site wind power,” it also signifies an efficient source of wind energy in the form of a good neighbor—quite the change from the towering monoliths across the wind-swept prairies that currently pass for our national wind energy strategy.

Compact Wind Acceleration Turbine. Manufactured by Optiwind.

Optiwind’s Compact Wind Acceleration Turbines improve on the above in several ways: topping out at about 200 feet (less than half the height of most farm windmills), Optiwind eliminates the eyesore of an overly-high structure while simultaneously realizing the significant cost savings of a shorter one. Further, Optiwind isn’t beholden to top wind speeds. The innovative five-bladed multi-fan design captures and funnels even low-speed wind (as low as 12 mph) into the tower, “accelerating it and thereby allowing people in lower wind speed areas to potentially enjoy the advantages of wind power as well.”

Compact Wind Acceleration Turbine. Manufactured by Optiwind.

Optiwind thus solves many of the logistical problems associated with traditional wind turbines. Since an Optiwind turbine is so much smaller, it’s easy to transport and install on-site. The upshot is greater accessibility to the tremendous potential of this clean electricity source: “we make it possible for you to own your own wind turbine and place it right where you need the power—at your business, school, healthcare facility, residential development or government office.”

About the Manufacturer: Optiwind designs and manufactures Compact Wind Acceleration Turbines (CWAT), a revolutionary device that captures and utilizes wind energy in a more efficient and cost-effective manner than conventional turbines. The quiet, compact, and simple Optiwind 150 generates 250 megawatt hours of electricity per year, making it ideal for onsite applications like schools and healthcare facilities. The larger Optiwind 300 generates 500 megawatt hours per year. Both models constitute “a very versatile resource that can take the risk out of grid electricity pricing by locking in your cost of power for at least 25 years.”

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