Joel Berman Glass Studios’ Aggio Seen At Eleven Times Square
During my holiday travel this season I was fortunate to make it to the Big Apple for a quick visit that included a jaunt through Times Square. With so many layers to view and view again, I noticed something that seemed familiar to me, but not in the way of ‘I’ve seen it here before,’ more like ‘Wow, I LOVE that texture and I’ve been drawn to it the same way.’ After a long pause in front of Eleven Times Square, it came flooding back to me. It was the Joel Berman Glass Studios signature aesthetic – elegant yet edgy – that I found a few months ago in Taglio, the product used on that fabulous water feature wall at the Las Vegas City Center Latisse project.
Eleven Times Square Uses Aggio by Joel Berman Glass Studios.
A Modern Grand Entrance with Stunning Detail.
Large Scale Glass Panels With Stunning Texture
Miles away from Vegas, I stumble upon another stunning texture, Joel Berman Glass Studios’ Aggio making this New York City entrance modern and grand. Eleven Times Square, designed by Daniel Schmidt of FX Fowle, is another incredible example of using large-scale, textured panels that not only are fabulously architectural but also have a level of detail that makes these panels intricately interesting. Aggio is a three-dimensional cast glass texture with a jagged saw tooth profile. Its angular texture meets the manufacturing requirements that are mandatory for large vertical cladding installations. These glass panels are available in sizes of up to 48” x 108” and can be custom fabricated to specific sizes – a perfect flexible solution for the architectural application.
If you’ve been to Times Square you know that it can be visually overwhelming. So when you see something so elegant, so perfectly uniform and textured, it’s almost as though it’s a soothing visual relief among the lights and layers of such frenetic place.
About the Manufacturer: Joel Berman Glass Studios is a world-renowned designer and manufacturer of glass art for the architecture and design community, and offers leading edge solutions and collaboration possibilities to take any glass art project from concept to installation. From its design Studios and manufacturing facilities located in Vancouver, BC, Canada, Joel Berman Glass Studios offers kiln-cast and pressure-formed glass, and related complementary products, crafted to the highest standards and featuring designer textures, colors, hardware and design services.
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