In Honor of 50 Years: The Shelter Collection by Designtex

Celebrating 50 years, the Steelcase company of Designtex came out with a beautiful line of fabrics they call the Shelter Collection. They describe its significance saying, “Shelter, meaning a refuge from elements, can be a garment that covers our bodies or as simple as a roof over our head, this overarching sentiment is artfully captured in the Shelter Collection.”

Shelter Collection. Manufactured by Designtex.

Finding Inspiration from Cultural Santa Fe: Designtex Created the Shelter Collection on their 50 Year Anniversary.

In reintroducing their “1 + 1 program (inspiration=collaboration)” philosophy that focuses on “doing well by doing good” through partnerships with outside sources that, in turn, support local artistic communities, Designtex has found particular motivation. From the textile, basket, and pottery designs of the Museum of International Folk Art and the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture in Santa Fe, New Mexico the design team created this line of upholstery, wallcoverings and handmade rugs.

In Honor of 50 Years: The Shelter Collection by Designtex

Shelter Collection – Berber Stripe. Manufactured by Designtex.

Whether it is hospitality, corporate or residential projects, the Shelter Collection’s smattering of soft and chunky wools, smooth velvets, and textiles with shimmering tape yarns are focused on beauty as well as durability. Kimberle Frost, Vice President of Design at Designtex, says, “Studying the museum’s acquisitions, it was apparent to me that there are so many common references that cross-over all cultures and time periods, the symbolic meaning of a hand, the value of coins, the use of natural materials like wool, cotton, metals and even specific color meanings."

Shelter Collection. Manufactured by Designtex.

In an eclectic collection of light to dark decorative patterns, the Shelter Collection by Designtex brings a lively nature into the upholsteries, wallcoverings and handmade rug designs.

About the Manufacturer: Designtex is a Steelcase company that was founded back in 1961 with a vision: to be fully committed to customer satisfaction through innovation, durability, and sustainability. As a carbon neutral-focused company, Designtex has made significant efforts to change the way their facilities and transportation are handled by reducing the energy used by finding renewable alternatives. Specific ways they did this are by converting their headquarters' lighting to LEDs, purchasing energy efficient equipment, and transitioning meetings and presentations to the virtual world.

via otto-otto

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