The 2700, Brava, and Torii Models Spearhead Nemschoff’s Line of Bariatric Seating
As readers may have noticed during the past few weeks, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to dedicate a handful of posts each week to a distinct segment of design—healthcare. Furnishings in this industry often face the difficult challenge of bridging the gap between high function and aesthetic appeal, a gap that’s often quite difficult to breach given the necessity of perfect performance. This is certainly the case with Nemschoff’s line of Bariatric Seating, particularly in regard to the 2700, Brava, and Torii models.
The 2700 Bariatric Chair. Manufactured by Nemschoff.
Nemschoff’s Line of Bariatric Seating is Up to the Challenge
Perhaps no other manufacturer offers as comprehensive a line of bariatric seating as Nemschoff. The company recognizes that clients in this market have specialized needs, so each of Nemschoff’s 21 bariatric chairs “has its certified weight limit and seating dimensions included in the product description.”
Beginning with the 2700, this means a weight capacity of up to 1,000 lbs.—not to mention mortise and tenon joints, spring seat construction, and low formaldehyde emissions. It also means bridging the aforementioned gap between looks and performance with handsome solid maple construction and an arcade back design.
Brava Bariatric Chair. Manufactured by Nemschoff.
Moving on to Brava, this chair is astoundingly light and bright, especially in view of its intended use. Just like the 2700, Brava is certified to hold up to 1000 lbs. The chair features Nemschoff’s patented healthcare wood finish (designed specifically to withstand heavy use and harsh cleaning). Options for Brava include widths of 30 or 40 inches and three color options for its urethane arm cap detail.
Torii Bariatric Chair. Manufactured by Nemschoff.
Lastly, the Torii bariatric chair offers the timeless appeal of dark maple and the stylistic feature of radiused edges, giving the chair a slightly retro look. Torii is also certified up to 1000 lbs. It comes with removable seat and back covers and can be outfitted in any of Nemschoff’s multiple upholstery options.
About the Manufacturer: To paraphrase the guiding philosophy of founder Leonard Nemschoff, the company of the same name has “been passionate about creating quality healthcare furniture solutions for over 50 years.” Nemschoff takes conceptual guidance and creative inspiration from its clients—the patients, their families, and the healthcare workers who depend on the company’s signature synthesis of pragmatism and aesthetic appeal: “Everything we design and make is known for quality and craftsmanship. Our leadership, innovation, and Real World R&D® set us apart. This was true in 1950, and it is true today.”
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