Take a Geo 180 Safari: The Indoor/Outdoor Bathtub by KOS

“Mind and body, in an almost mystical atmosphere that evokes primitive, ancestral feelings, finally find a true and profound equilibrium,” says the designer duo Ludovica+Roberto Palomba of Palomba Serafini Associati. Using the words “primitive” and “ancestral” loosely to describe their Geo 180 bathtub for KOS, the modern tub design with its clean silhouette feels as though you’re soaking in a spacious thermal bath.

Geo 180. Designed by Ludovica+Roberto Palomba for KOS.

Beautiful Bathing Discovers Nature: The Geo 180 Bathtub by Ludovica+Roberto Palomba for KOS

The style of the Geo 180 bathtub has a triple threat of options that drive installation in your home. With three, naturally ergonomic forms – flush with base surface, above base surface, or freestanding – its splendor can be brought outdoors onto the deck or patio, or kept indoors. Wherever you decide to use it, the ergonomic support provided by the gentle lines and plentiful area is even more appealing after looking at its list of awards. In 2007, the Geo 180 received the Design Plus Award, followed by a nomination for the German Design Award one year later, in 2008. That same year, KOS presented a new outdoor edition of the Geo 180 that was introduced during the Salone del Mobile in Milan. Designed for what the company calls “total wellness” in its approach to outdoor bathing, it can be used as a single or double occupancy bathtub.

Take a Geo 180 Safari: The Indoor/Outdoor Bathtub by KOS
Take a Geo 180 Safari: The Indoor/Outdoor Bathtub by KOS

In a solid height of 700 mm with a diameter of 1800 mm, the Geo 180 bathtub by KOS continues to inspire our bathtub hour to be more design-savvy than ever before – even compared to primitive, ancestral times.

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