Skyline’s Kids Glass Encourages Creativity
A Chicago-based company with a brooding sense of glass-working style is creating quite the fervor amongst a new population of people. Although I wish it would be a simple non-fogging glass for those of us in the driving population with the winter in full force, it’s actually for our beloved little people. Making it to a Best of NeoCon Gold status for 2010, the Kids Glass by Skyline is finding it’s traction one smudged handprint at a time.
Kids Glass. Designed by Thesis, Noël Ashby, and Deborah Newmark for Skyline.
Patterns, Graphics and Freeform on Glass Panels
Designed by a trio of designers from the imaginative Skyline team – Thesis, Noël Ashby, and Deborah Newmark – the Kids Glass was designed to encourage children (and adults) to play with their surroundings while in otherwise boring, public settings such as healthcare buildings, educational facilities, libraries, day cares, and museums.
Maze. Designed by Thesis, Noël Ashby, and Deborah Newmark for Skyline.
Hair. Designed by Thesis, Noël Ashby, and Deborah Newmark for Skyline.
Animals. Designed by Thesis, Noël Ashby, and Deborah Newmark for Skyline.
Kids Glass comes in 11 different patterns with graphics that allow you to try on different hair styles by peeking though artwork on eco-etch® translucent glass panels. If feeling particularly adventuresome, you can also complete a maze or connect the dots with your child. Even draw a picture with markers on the front of Skyline’s back-painted Vitracolor® glass wall cladding if you feel so inclined.
All of these fun graphics come on a tempered safety glass that is translucent or opaque in appearance. Made intelligently (child-safe to the utmost degree) the Kids Glass is made on low-iron PPG Starphire® tempered safety glass in standard sizes up to 72″ x 144″, though customization is also available. Per the Skyline designers’ suggestions, applications may include feature walls, signage, furniture, wall partitions, environmental graphics, and marker boards.
No more dreary, gray walls and nothing to do or be inspired by while you wait to get your flu shot. The Kids Glass brightens up everyone’s day, whether you’re a child, an adult, or a writer looking at the images and wishing it had come around a couple decades prior.
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