Serie T Radiator by Thun and Rodriguez
Antrax IT has a good eight years under its belt of designing and manufacturing heat delivery systems for this new age of environmental sustainability. Their radiators and fireplaces warm the environs at lower environmental and energy costs than those big iron clunkers from days past. The company makes its home in Italy, but don’t let that provoke you into aspersions about the perceived climate, because I’ve never been so cold as I was in Rome and Florence in December—must be the humidity. Antrax routinely collaborates with top designers to forge the brave new future of HVAC: “by making quality a priority aim of its business, Antrax IT has always employed cutting-edge production technology and counted on partnerships with world-famous designers such as Peter Rankin, Massimo Iosa Ghini, Francesco Lucchese and Andrea Crosetta.” Let’s add Matteo Thun and Antonio Rodriguez to that list—the prolific duo recently teamed to turn out Serie T, a combo radiator/shelf unit that promises to be your new best friend come the grim gales of winter.
Serie T Radiator. Designed by Matteo Thun and Antonio Rodriguez for Antrax IT.
Low Profile Dual Function Heating
The design for Serie T is so simple it would have van der Rohe doing laudatory somersaults. Constructed of aluminum, the piece has all the moxie of a metal buttress, all the structural appeal of an I-beam. Neither designer Thun nor manufacturer Antrax IT mince many words about the piece, preferring, I suspect, to let its intuitive design and dual-functionality speak for itself. Thun informs us that its “heated with water… it can be used individually in the bathroom as well as in the entrance, the hallway, the kitchen…,” while Antrax merely suggests it should be employed to satisfy any need for dual purpose heating.
The rest, I suppose, is up to you to figure out, but suffice it to say that Serie T will save you massive swaths of wall space while warming to the bone not only you, but also those objects whose metaphorical bones require warming as well. My suggestions include bath towels, damp coats, gloves, a good book, baked goods, and my perpetually frigid hands and feet.
Via MocoLoco.
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