KWC’s USO Faucet: Touch-Sensitive Control and Color-Coded H2O

Swiss faucet manufacturer KWC opens their press material on the new semi-automatic touch sensor LED USO faucet by reminding us how modern convenience breeds addiction: “There are some things you don’t miss because they don’t yet exist. But when they do come into being, you don’t want to be without them ever again.” The topic is certainly ridden with philosophic land mines, and opinions will vary as to which items make the list, but amid my personal tally I’d count the smart phone, the vibrating-head razor, and the carbon-fiber bicycle frame. In the opinion of KWC, the sequitur pertains to the life-changing potential of their latest release: “USO is one of these things: the semi-automatic faucet for use in public facilities is now finding its way, in a streamlined design, into domestic kitchens (and bathrooms).”

USO Faucet. Designed by KWC.

Customized Water Temperature You Can See

Yes, you read that right. The USO touch sensor allows you to incorporate a third sense into your ablutional rites. In literary circles, one refers to this conflation of the senses as “synesthesia”; in regards to USO, I’ll call it a smarter faucet that wears its colors on its sleeve. USO works with the intuitive programming of simple touch and the cultural cache of connotation. Water temperature is indicated via a bank of cleverly integrated LEDs at the base of the faucet, so users simply touch once for cold (blue), twice for warm (orange), and thrice for hot (red). The meanings of each of these colors is manifest, which keeps you from freezing or burning your fingers, but that’s just one perk of USO—the others include precision temperature control, water-smart technology (automatic shutoff occurs after 10 seconds), and a 45-second cleaning mode (LED indicators turn green).

KWC's USO Faucet: Touch-Sensitive Control and Color-Coded H2O
KWC's USO Faucet: Touch-Sensitive Control and Color-Coded H2O

One would think that all of the above might be feasible in a bulky piece with all sorts of hidden electrical doo-hickeys and what-nots, but one advantage of USO is its extraordinarily slim design. The faucet is modeled after technology most commonly seen in the contract sector, but USO is aimed for the residential market, so it’s been designed for maximum aesthetic appeal. The faucet is stainless steel and super slim, giving it a contemporary feel and tremendous versatility. Easy to integrate into existing schemes, or—as seen in the infamous ad—use as the symbolic cornerstone of an entire house, USO is intriguing and auspicious. Only time will tell whether it signifies the latest indispensable technology of the new millennium, but, from my perspective, any product that lets me get away with using the word “synesthesia” has the intrinsic charm of a double rainbow.

Via DigsDigs.

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