An Opportunistic Rubber Stool by H220430


Design has released a collection called “Opportunity” which is on display now in Tokyo for DesignTide Tokyo 2010. Opportunity is a collection of lighting and furniture that explores the idea of design as an opportunity to make people consider and act on global problems both environmental and social. “What we aimed for this time is neither functional design nor design for marketing, but design to produce an “opportunity.”

Opportunity. Designed by H220430.

Acting on Environmental Problems through the Recycled Rubber Stool

The Rubber Stool is a curvaceous piece with a formal shape that is juxtaposed its the black recycled rubber construction. The framework for the stool is a simple rubber plate that is held together with bolts for a fast assembly.The stool is elegant and modern but also practical. It can be easily disassembled for storage, encouraging its use as well as a long life with its owner.

An Opportunistic Rubber Stool by H220430

An Opportunistic Rubber Stool by H220430

The designers hope the Rubber Stool will raise awareness about naturally grown rubber and the need for recycled rubber versus virgin rubber. Southeast Asia is experiencing rapid deforestation due to the large scale planting of rubber trees. While there is research and development into producing synthetic rubber, the demand for natural rubber is not waining due to the lower quality of the synthetic rubber. I was surprised to learn about the environmental damage caused by rubber plantations, having previously thought of rubber as a green material. H220430 has accomplished their mission with the Rubber Stool, which has sparked my interest in recycled rubber as an environmentally and socially friendly material.

via contemporist

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