Save Your Back, Use Your Space: Corner Cabinet Solutions
I've been giving a lot of thought lately to the "third world squat." The term-which is rapidly gaining use among primal fitness and back-to-nature types-refers to the inborn ability of most of the "lesser-developed" world to easily drop down into a bottomed-out, knee-safe, and back-friendly squat, which is absolutely essential for good movement mechanics. Turns out that we here in the "developed" world have lost that ability through disuse, with the concomitant consequences of immobility, back pain, and the perpetual frustration of attempting to remove items from that A & D dead space called the low corner cabinet.
Fulterer Wari Corner Base Cabinet & Blind Corner Swing-Out And Slide System. Desinged by Wari
You know this area well: it's the cavernous expanse traveling along the hypotenuse of the two right angles formed by intersecting cabinetry, and it's typically filled with large items like spaghetti pots, frying pans, and colanders. Instead of getting down on all fours and tunneling through the darkness like a mole to reach said items, you could attempt to re-learn how to squat. Or you could look into a recent innovative corner cabinet solutions by manufacturers Vauth-Sagel.
It operates under the philosophy that space should be truly usable-that if something is either inaccessible or causes extreme discomfort to reach, it means there's a problem in need of solving. Wari Corner consists of complementary columns of shelves or baskets that sit side by side when the door is closed. When the cabinet door is opened, the first tier of shelves rotates 90 degrees to allow the second to slide into its place. It involves some nifty hardware (a rather fancy hinge that enables a swing out system), neat rows of baskets or bins, and some understanding of the principles of physics. Designed for use with hinged doors, it is a modern-day, much-improved alternative to the classic lazy-susan, transforming awkward, unusable corners into fully-accessible storage spaces.
Fulterer Wari Corner Base Cabinet & Blind Corner Swing-Out And Slide System. Desinged by Wari
Any of these systems will increase your kitchen's working capacity several fold while reducing the common stress and strain associated with the difficult extraction of items form these formerly problematic spaces. Check out these video demonstrations of the Wari corner, as well as other recent options from Hafele and Knape & Vogt.
Via Core77.
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