Caldo Fire Screen: Philip Nimmo’s HOT
Some lovers of modern design do indeed have fireplaces. Not all of us will forgo the pleasures of a real flame for the convenience of clean gas. Fires are messy, but they’re worth it: the sweet smell of wood, the surprising crackles and radiating sparks, the rush of hot air against your flushing cheeks. But fireplace design, tools, and accouterments have been slow to move into the 21st century, leaving those of us who want to build fires with few stylish choices.
HOT. Designed by Philip Nimmo.
Some time ago, some unknown persons of ill repute decided that fireplaces had to be the showplaces of excess—home to mounted deer heads, embellished hollow relief tiles, and portraits of the paterfamilias in gilded frames. No more. Thanks to Philip Nimmo, fire screens have become hip, artistic icons of a new direction in the history of harvesting fire.
His Caldo Fire Screen lets you know what you need to know. With the word “HOT” emblazoned on the front of the screen in slanted sans serif font, Caldo harkens back to simpler times when you could buy a burger at the Burger Palace and an ice cream at the Ice Cream Parlor. It’s transparent and chic in a mid-century fashion. Caldo announces its own purpose as clearly as a warning label. And its vertical stripes remind us of barbershop quartets, jailhouse duds, and classic baseball uniforms. Dress up your Caldo Fire Screen in whatever finish suits your home, from natural black acid to dark bronze, painted gold to antique silver. For those of you with a fondness for the 80s, Caldo also comes in acid wash. Caldo Fire Screen is available in custom sizes up to 42” wide x 36” high.
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