Cluster+ by Benwirth Licht

The first clue that German lighting company Benwirth Licht is unconventional comes with their website’s flash introduction. You’re greeted with a campy dialogue that might have come directly from a 60’s B movie: “Look! What’s that? An alien invasion?” Before you can think too much about it, you get an answer: “For heaven’s sake, no! It’s some new creation by Benwirth Licht!” The orange font that delivers the message ends with a brief introduction to Cluster+, which is Benwirth Licht’s lighting system that combines LED and OLED technology in a super thin 2 mm size.

Cluster+. Designed by Benwirth Licht.

Versatile Lighting System Combines LED and OLED Technologies

cluster +, energy efficient, energy-saving lighting, modular, lighting system, lighting design, illumination, LED
Benwirth Licht, Cluser +, energy efficient, energy-saving lighting, lighting design ,lighting system, modular, LEDcluster +, energy efficient, energy-saving lighting, modular, lighting system, lighting design, illumination, LED
cluster +, energy efficient, energy-saving lighting, modular, lighting system, lighting design, illumination, LED

Cluster+ has a name that gives away what it does—the light modules can be pieced together in whatever design you like, cumulatively (hence, the plus sign). Not only can you increase or decrease the size of Cluster+, but you can also arrange the lighting system: “it can be suspended, it can float, stand or be spread across whole walls!” Basically, Cluster+ turns into whatever type of lamp you might need: “a table or wall lamp, a ceiling lamp, a panel, a glowing wall, a glowing ceiling.” The light can be cast downward or upward or both. Cluster+ will do whatever you want it to; it’s like a cell multiplying, taking on a life all its own. The circles and squares (actually, octagons since the corners are cut off) lend the lighting system a futuristic look—a cross between motherboards, space ships, and genetic material of some kind. Winner of the Design Plus Award 2010 and the Interior Innovation Award 2011, Cluster+ might just take over the world!

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