Instabilelab Wallpaper: Enliven Your Bathroom Environment

Instabilelab Wallpaper: Enliven Your Bathroom Environment

Instabilelab wallpaper brings an artistic sensibility to the bathroom with “Wallpapers for the Bathroom Environment,” a collection of creative graphics that stand-up to moisture, heat, and humidity.

Instabilelab wallpaper snowy forest scene with bathtub on wood floor in foreground

The collection’s calling card is its visual variety. With both stock patterns and custom images available, Instabilelab’s aesthetic inventory knows no bounds.

Instablielab Wallpaper floral pattern with fanciful trees that look like artichokes and purple plants with bathtub on cement floor and toilets in foreground

The options extend beyond ceilings and walls to floors, courtesy of TexFloor, a resilient covering that places beautiful graphic imagery beneath your feet. Coupled with Instabilelab’s FibraTex and FibraGlass, the new technology allows for a floor-to-wall-to ceiling consistency that makes a dramatic effect.

Instabilelab wallpaper pattern on floor, walls, and ceilings same pattern of fanciful trees and plants as in earlier picture in corridor with two glass partitioned rooms: one wit sink and shower and other with toilet

“All of these items can be used in bathroom environments individually or all together (utilizing the Custom-me Feature) with unique imagery for an outstanding result… a combination of products and wallpapers that create a real scenography.”

Instabilelab wallpaper gray background with colorless silhouettes of maple leaves and white bathtub in foreground with black carpet runner on tile floor

See Instabilelab for more information.

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