Project your Desires with Lumenbeam Inground

Project your Desires with Lumenbeam Inground

The Lumenbeam Inground Large from Lumenpulse is a ground-recessed LED projection light that takes much of the hassle out of in-ground installations.
Lumenbeam Inground close-up
Lumenbeam Inground Large features a plug and play installation protocol that simplifies the process while minimizing complications common to in-ground applications: “our quick connect system makes miswiring a thing of the past… that’s right, miswiring and installation difficulties are nearly obsolete.”
Lumenbeam Inground Installation
This innovative projection light also offers a factory-sealed, corrosion-resistant optical chamber, keeping weather out while ensuring long-life, with a 5000kg drive-over rating for high-traffic situations.
Lumenbeam Inground Drive Over
Also available: an optional harsh environment brass housing to guarantee resistance to moisture and heat.
Lumenpulse Inground close-up on housing for harsh weather
Lumenpulse Inground presents multiple options to address the frequent challenges of outdoor and projection lighting applications: trim, lenses, control options, and choice of optics, including direct view, flood or accent lighting, and color mixing,
Lumenpulse Inground outdoor installation showing color mixing optics
Check out Lumenpulse to see Lumenbeam Inground in action. And see another great Lumenpulse product at Designer Pages Media.

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