Loveseat by Riva 1920

Riva 1920 doesn’t want you to buy any of their furniture until you get to know their company profile, so I’ll provide it here in a nutshell. The Italian furniture manufacturers make everything out of solid wood, using only sustainably harvested forests as their source. And they complete the look with only natural finishes in order “to create a natural home suffused with the scents of wood, oil, and wax.” Pair this organic material with experienced and innovative designers and Italian furniture manufacturing know-how, and you’ve got the very definition of Riva 1920.

Loveseat. Designed by Riva 1920.

Loveseat by Riva 1920Loveseat by Riva 1920Loveseat by Riva 1920

Their Loveseat, designed by Jake Phipps, is truly a sculpture in wood. Made “from the heartwood of cedar tree trunks,” Riva 1920’s Loveseat smells as good as it looks. The piece gets its name from the fact that two people sitting on Loveseat’s ergonomic seats “can maintain eye-contact with each other”–hence, the Love in Loveseat. Of course, it is possible to look into the eyes of someone you don’t love (or even like), but you have to admire the idealism behind Loveseat’s given name. The piece works as both indoor and outdoor furniture, since the cedar withstands the elements. Perhaps best of all, Loveseat, like all of the company’s furniture, will actually change along with you, adapting to life at your own home: “any movement, cracks and changes in the wood compared with its condition at the moment of purchase should not be attributed to imperfections of the product, but rather to natural adjustment of the wood to its new environmental conditions.”

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