Technology Moves Too Fast for the USB Sofa

If you’re interested in the implementation of technology within design, here’s a curious example. Cabracega’s USB sofas, developed in collaboration with TORKE, contain inlaid removable disks aiming for storing and sharing contents between users. “For sharing, the user just needs to plug one of the 7 cables to his laptop USB port.” explains the company. But really, can’t we just go wireless and use a drop box or something?

USB Sofa. Designed by Cabracega and TORKE.

Technology is fascinating. It transforms very quickly. What’s cutting edge today is outdated tomorrow. And, quite frankly, the idea of a series of USB cables to share data isn’t the most efficient or forward thinking concept. “USB Sofa” was created for OFFF Lisbon 2008 – International Festival for the Post Digital Creation Culture and was then adopted by SHIFT Lisbon 2008 – Social and Human Ideas for Technology. Given the timeline, it was likely more cutting edge when it was initially debuted. But who buys a sofa that will be “dated” in a year? That being said, I appreciate the thought behind it. It attempts to address (in a fairly conceptual way) how contemporary society works. Unfortunately, two years later, it really doesn’t. But how do you incorporate technology within design such that it withstands the test of time (and functions in the fast-moving world of technology).

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“The essence of the creative studio Cabracega relies on the daily experiences. From the everyday analysis new ideas rise that question and add a different meaning to spaces, services, rituals and objects, thus creating innovative experiences that transform observers into participants.” So, if this was the 2008 approach – what happens in 2010?

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